Tuesday, July 7, 2015

One For Israel... (Keep it Going)

In Israel, there is an outreach ministry called "One For Israel". This is a messianic ministry that helps give aid to Holocaust survivors, and helps to share the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ...not only with the people of Israel, but folks all over, through various websites, all in Hebrew.

One for Israel also films the testimonies of Jewish folks who have come to know Yeshua as their savior (in both English and Hebrew, with subtitles). These testimonies are posted on Facebook, and also used as promos on You Tube. These videos are a powerful tool that helps to carry the message of Christ to many. Now, the ministry is facing opposition, because certain folks are attempting to raise money, and (it is my understanding), find legal grounds to have these recorded testimonies removed (from both Facebook and YouTube). These videos are a very important outreach tool, both for Jewish folks who are curious about salvation, and those who are not Jewish, but want to know more about Judaism and the Jewish faith. This is a call to prayer: May those opposed to the message of "One for Israel" be won over by it themselves.

The facilities of "One For Israel" ministry are in Israel College of the Bible, which is in central Israel, in the city of Netanya. According to their website, they are the only Hebrew speaking Bible college in Israel, and also the world. The college has a media center which includes a messianic radio station called "Agape FM". The school was established in 1990, and I personally came to know more about them earlier this year, through YouTube. I did an online sarch to see if there even is a Bible College in Israel, and was lead to Israel College of the Bible, who had just completed their brand new campus in Netanya. I am now a regular listener to "Agape FM" online, I follow the ministry and the college on Facebook, and through this social media interaction, I've come to thoroughly enjoy their ministry tools, and sweet love for Yeshua.

God is so good. The fact that I "stumbled on" this Bible college seems to have now become yet another puzzle piece in my journey of faith. In my case, I love these ministry tools, because I desire to know more about Judaism, and I am just tickled pink that the message of Yeshua is reaching Israel and the Jewish people. Again, please pray with me, that these testimonies of faith will be allowed to remain on YouTube and social media sites. I also encourage everyone to visit Facebook and "Like" "Israel College of the Bible," "One for Israel," "Agape FM" and also the page "Prayer Warriors for Israel.". Thank you to the staff of Israel College of the Bible, and everyone involved with "One for Israel" ministry.

PS... please share! :))


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