Tuesday, September 8, 2015

I'm Sorry...I Can't Reach You (So it Would Seem)

Disclaimer. I have much love and respect for Israel and the Israeli people, and for anyone who is Jewish, which is much of the reason I write this blog. I am not saying that all situations are the same, or that everyone thinks the same way. I write this based on Personal observation and opinion.

Quote: "If you feel sorry for not being Jewish, read Ephesians. If you think you've replaced Israel, read Romans". I'm not going to say who said this, simply because I have a great deal of respect for them and I would not want to appear to be encouraging disrespect. But the fact is, I hate quotes like this in general because all they seem to do is cause arguments. In my opinion, this whole issue is about a bringing together, or a joining...not a division or a separation.

This is not about a replacement.

This whole thing is about a mutual understanding and love. It's like I said in my last entry, many Christians want very much to be able to IDENTIFY with those who are Jewish and the Jewish culture. We love Israel because it's where our savior walked and talked and performed his miracles, and we know that Yeshua was Jewish himself. This is a longing to be close to someone. Listen, I may have been taught Replacement Theology, but where I come from, EVERYONE is embraced and welcomed and invited IN. No one is made to feel guilty simply for wanting to identify with Jesus because everybody needs his LOVE.

I for one am tired of feeling verbally "slapped on the hand" for wanting, from my soul, to identify with those who are Jewish (because of quotes like this). Look, there is a lot that I DON'T UNDERSTAND, and I'm trying to...but I can't get any answers...just continual reminders that I am not Jewish (and I never will be) and I better be GLAD that I'm not! Why??? Because I haven't been through the Holocaust? Because I haven't been "crucified" myself?? Is unbearable tragedy the ONLY thing that identifies certain people? Is it fair to "use" this sad history against others and do everything you can to say "sorry, you don't qualify"? Listen, if you're not biologically Jewish, that's one thing, I get that. But let's see what we have here: I'd better be glad that I'm not Jewish because apparently I'll never ever be persecuted in such a way, oh and by the way, as a non-Jew, I am not here to replace anyone. So...what?...I better just grovel at the feet of those who ARE Jewish, and remember that THEY are G-d's chosen people.

It's almost as though I'm being told, (by Jewish folks) "Yeah, you're one of God's too, but that's your business...WE are the real thing, and you (Gentiles) are trying to "contaminate" us! Go away, get out, and take all your stupid love for Israel with ya too! Oh, but...if you'll CONVERT, and while you're at it, deny Jesus, because that really pisses us off, and you'll work your ass off to join us, we MIGHT stop reminding you that you're not GENUINELY one of us, and you never will be. In honesty, why on earth would I want to convert to that?

Now, am I saying that ALL folks who are Jewish feel this way? Let me put it this way: I sure HOPE not! But mostly, this is the "mindset" or the "feel" I've received from many people in Israel (not JUST, not ONLY) but many people in Israel (through Facebook). Not to mention, the arguments people get into... I'm seeing people on this thread saying that this is anti-Semitic, that this is a lie (that Gentiles are grafted in to the olive branches). To be fair, people are also pointing out that whether Jew or Gentile, we are all one in Messiah, chosen since the foundation of the world. This is what I was always taught in my Evangelical church that taught Replacement Theology anyway! We (Gentiles) don't want to be REPLACE anybody! We want to be INCLUDED! We want to be a part of, we want to be LIKE. I THINK the problem is that most Gentiles are taught that as long as they pray the prayer, and are saved...then (we) ARE grafted in. As a result, many of us don't take it any further than that. We don't think we need to.

But it's more than that...then we have this lovely little gem called the Messianic Movement that many born again Christians (including myself) have aspired to because we (mistakenly) are all starry eye'd about IDENTIFYING with the Jewish people. I wonder how many Americans (in particular) don't realize that many Jewish folks are completely mystified by this movement and don't understand it. They believe that Messianic Jews are nothing but born-again Christians re-labeled, and they are insulted and angry. (again, you're not one of us, and you never will be, so quit trying). Of course, the Messianic Movement is NOT limited to the US...it's everywhere...which I think is GREAT but apparently, many of the Jewish folks which we are wanting to EMULATE are quite insulted by this. It's as if many Jewish folks seem to be saying "Don't B.S. me.". Goodness sakes, I wasn't TRYING to! But apparently, that's what we're doing! The belief is that Paul, and all the 12 disciples were Messianic Jews, for that matter most of the people written about in scripture were Jewish folks who followed Jesus because he was the Messiah! (Messianic Jews). I presume they were hated back then as well. What about Ruth, and Luke? Ruth converted...and Luke was a Gentile! Does this mean they'll always be second best, because they're not genuine?

So, look, people are people and they need love and respect. I think Jesus himself said it best when he said love your neighbor as you do yourself. I felt a devotion to the Jewish people and the Jewish faith because I believed they (are) in touch with their faith and their traditions, and "anchored" to what they believe in many ways that I wasn't. There seemed to be a wonderful sense of family there that I'd not experienced in the faith that I've been in since I was a teenager. Now, I'm suddenly wondering where I got that idea. Where I was, (in church) everyone needs the love of Jesus (not everyone ACCEPTS it...but everyone needs it) all are welcomed, no fees required, and all are encouraged to COME, just as they are. Where I was thinking about going, the love of Jesus is only okay, if you believe he has no divinity, I will always be reminded that I'm not really Jewish, while paying exspensive membership dues because I'm busting my butt TRYING to be, there is no belief in original sin, and any attempt I make to fit in is put under a preverbal "microscope" to see whether it's acceptable. Where I came from, I was already accepted when I came in. Easy.

I've embraced (or tried to) embrace the Jewish faith because I believed that it was insane to sit in church and be anti-Semitic, by pointing out the wrongs of Jewish tradition everywhere, and then saying we are under a new covenant, and calling the OLD one "legalism.". Not fair. Not right. So, I took another direction...desiring to build a bridge between myself and those who are (blessed) enough to be Jewish. (yes, you ARE...don't tell me to read Ephesians if I'm sorry I'm not Jewish.). Anyway, this bridge has proven to be impossible to build. It is not wanted (it seems) and not welcomed. I'm confused...just because I've never happened to "suffer" that much means I can't even try to EMPATHIZE with those who have? Well, excuse me! I'm as loyal as they come, but I think I'll take thar loyalty to someone who'll actually allow it. Think my devotion is a joke, and I ought to be glad I'm not (Jewish)... while I'd BETTER remember that the church I'm in has NOT replaced Israel?? Really? Okay, fine...I think I understand.

But I will say this... never again will I worry about empathizing with the Jewish people for being particularly mistreated or discriminated against, because, first of all, it seems to cut both ways...second of all, many people seem to feed off of it. My "love" for Israel has caused me to be inundated with it...page after page...example after example (after example) of continued, horrible, dramatic, never ending...anti-Semitism. Right there, in everybody's face for all to see...and those of us who are not Jewish will NEVER know how bad it is...because we'll never experience it. So let me tell you what I'm NOT saying:

I'm not saying that I hate anyone who's Jewish, because I don't hate anyone.
I'm not saying that I'll not like someone who's Jewish if I can't "convert" them.
I'm not saying that no Jewish person is open to accepting Jesus.
and I'm not saying that those who are Jewish only associate with those who have converted to Judaism.

I'm saying very generally that it seems their is a feeling in the air that those who are Jewish are (as it were) not impressed with any devotion we might (want) to have for them. I think most heartfelt efforts to try and show "brotherly love" to those who are Jewish are almost taken as a direct insult. Either we are humiliated because we should know that we'll never understand what it means to suffer that way, or we're bombarded with corrections and comparisons between Judaism and Christianity...AND, the cherry on top of the sundae...that hardly anybody really understands anything about Israel anyway. Fine. But it seems many many people are trying to understand and embrace, and when we DO try to understand, with hopeful expectation, we seem to have it rubbed in our face in a million different ways that we never will. That hurts. I say all this...because this is what's happened to ME.

In the end, the only devotion I really want is from my savior anyway...so who cares what anyone else thinks? But this wonderful mutual respect between Jews and Christians? As hopeful as some of are (including me), I just don't think it's quite as mutual and wonderful as we'd like to believe. Now of course, this just MY opinion...there are many others. So, let's pray for each other, love each other, and do whatever we can to help each other understand. There also is a lot of love being poured out on both sides. Let's try and zoom in on that sometimes instead of of the negative, not so we turn a blind eye to it, but so we can relieve the hurt and bridge the gap.

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