Saturday, August 29, 2015

Judaism and the Lion...

Over the last Sabbath, actually shortly before it started, I read an article about a woman who went on a journey to re-discover her Jewish roots. Her mother was Jewish and her father was Catholic. Long story short, her mother was told she needed to assymilate, she joined the Catholic church, and her Jewish roots were never discussed. So her kids were raised Catholic. When Rachael (the author) got married, her husband was Baptist, with no desire to convert (to Catholicism) so, Rachael, became a Baptist, who was a Jewish woman...who was raised Catholic. A long and tragic journey led her to once again embrace her Jewish roots...the turning point of which, came when she was teaching a Bible study out of her home to the ladies in her Baptist church. The study was in Romans, and Rachael noticed that three chapters were missing from the study manual. Rachael asked her pastor why those chapters were not included and was told that only someone with a degree could teach THESE...and that he would do it...

What?? I was shocked by this and saddened when I read that Rachael was promptly shown the door, and told that she would lose her class if she proceeded to teach these chapters. Racheal did teach them, however, the way that she'd been convicted to do so, according to her Jewish lineage. Through her boss at the time, Rachael had begun speaking with a rabbi. The rabbi asked Racael if her parents were Christians. Racael said that she was "half" Jewish because her father was Catholic. The rabbi said to her in no uncertain terms:

"You're not 'half''re Jewish!"

He gave her some books to read, and said, "When you're finished, come back for more.". Rachael said she read, non-stop that weekend, and the more she read, the angrier she got. Rachael said that those three chapters had been twisted to show the Jews lack of faith in a Messiah, and used by the church to justify "replacement theology.". I knew the Holy Spirit was speaking to me, and calming me, as I read, but at the same time, something inside me despretly wanted to know what she meant! It's not because I did not believe's because I do!! At the end, I left Rachael a comment, asking her which chapters they were that she was not allowed to teach. Sure enough (she answered me) they were Romans 9, 10 and 11. I had a feeling...and now I want to find out how and why they are distorted. (?!). I don't have a Hebrew/Greek linear and I also don't have a Jewish Bible (yet). Finding teachings on Romans that are NOT from an Evangelical point of view is harder than I expected. Last night I read Romans 9, 10 and 11 out of a Contemporary English Bible, and wondered if I were "swallowing" the very "distortions" Rachael had mentioned in her article. I decided not to use my KJV because I thought the wording might confuse me as far as the message is concerned.

But G-d absolutely had done SOMETHING in my heart. What IS it?? When I had first finished reading that article, I sat on my sofa and just tried to slowly digest what I had read. Raechel said that today, she has made alliyah and lives in Israel. I immediately became envious because I wanted to be there too, almost like I was being "pulled" there. I was very happy for Rachael...but felt very strongly that I (want) to be there too. Odd, considering, I've never particularly cared one way or the other whether I went to Israel...that is, not until I started on this journey. So, something has changed in me, and for the first time, I thought: (deep breath)

I think, if I could covert to Judaism, I would.

It's true, okay! But I have a problem. Judaism (at least to my knowledge) does not acknowledge Yeshua as the Messiah...does it? Then again, what exactly does Rachael mean when she (said) that those 3 chapters in Romans are distorted? I'm not giving Jesus up okay. It won't happen, and even if I were to walk away from him (for whatever reason) I know Jesus would come with me, because he is with me wherever I go (Josh. 1:9). The thing is, as someone who became a born-again (Christian) at 15, I can't understand WHY Judaism does NOT embrace (Jesus Christ) as the Messiah. In Revelation (5:5) it says that the Lion of Judah has triumphed (the Root of David). Judah, of course, was one of the 12 sons of Jacob, and Tamar (Gen. 28?) appears in Yeshua's genealogy. How women appear in Yeshua's genealogy, I don't know, because apparently, only men typically appear in Jewish geneologies. I always believed that this is a really special thing that only proved that Jesus IS the Messiah, not that he is not. Anyway, I was taught that in Genesis chapter 1, when God says: "Let Us make man in our image," he's speaking to Jesus because Jesus always existed with G-d in Heaven (before he ever walked on earth.)

So, this got me to thinking, if Jesus himself is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, and Jesus is a descendent of King David, also from the tribe of Judah, why is it that those who practice "Judaism" do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah? I don't understand. To me these are like puzzle pieces destined to fit together! So, why don't they? I've heard that many who practice Judaism do not even read the New (Covenant) so they may not even know Revelation 5:5. But why would they not? Is this considered blasphemy? Is it disloyal? There are plenty of references to Jesus in the Old covenant?, yes? Do these not count? What am I missing?? So, with all of this, swimming around in my head, I have to ask (Crazy as it sounds), what exactly is...Judaism? How nuts, to say that I would like to convert to something and then need to ask what it is. Elohim's original law was the ten Commandmnts given to him on Mount Sainai, but I believe that Judaism says that Yahweh gave Abraham the Torah on the mountain, so was that the first five books of scripture (given on the mountain?). I know that Jewish tradition says that Yahweh also gave Abraham a separate "oral" law that only rabbi's (apparently) can interpret.

Again, I don't understand. If someone is loyal to Judaism because they are (want to be) loyal to Elohim, won't we just stick to what scripture actually says about Abraham bringing down the stone tablets that contained the ten commandments? Anyway, what happens when we screw up and make mistakes? Without belief in the savior, who fills in the gaps? Who grants the perfection that Elohim requires that we can't? For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of G-d. But I will say this, Jewish folks who have a devotion to their faith, seem more devoted to something that is not perfect, then most Christians seem today, to the perfect G-d who paid a terrible price for us. We are (I think) no longer under the penalty of the law, because of the price Yeshua paid, but as followers OF Yeshua, this does not mean that we are exempt from it. But the way the typical Evangelical church teaches it; it literally does not matter anymore. We think the Law, that convicts us of sin is nothing more than unnecessary legalism and we use the devotion of Jewish folks to what we think are unnecessary traditions as "proof". That your works won't save you. This is not the answer. This is cruel and unfair. (at least, I believe it is).

So, there is much more I could say, and there are many more questions I have...but they will need to wait for another time. I am confused, but I know that G-d is in control. I just think that we need to stop trying to "win" people over to our side of the board and decide to help each other understand. Don't argue and be offended, just have compassion. God will do the work he wants to do within a person. I know he's doing a work in me!

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