Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Change of Heart

I have two unfinished blog posts, both dealing with the "burden" of the salvation of others on a Christian's heart. These posts are also me, wanting to defend my faith. They are long. One has several sections (What, am I...writing a book?). So, I'm writing now, again, to try and sum everything up. Anyway, as I've said before, this blog is all about me "exploring" Messianic roots. Messianic roots...and a love for Israel. In plain English...this is a wonderful thing...except for the fact that (I believe) the whole "Messianic Movement" is puzzling...and even offensive to most folks in Israel (I think). Now, I'll say it again: This is not to pick on Israel or her amazing people. I LOVE you guys!! I adore you! :))

I'm speaking of an irony that has "puzzled me till my puzzler is sore" as Dr. Seuss would say. I talk about Israel in particular, because this is the place millions of Christians flock to every year because this is where the savior of the world was born. I can't help but wonder what the majority of Israeli's actually think about all this. Now, I know, there are many Messianic Jews, as well as Christians (BTW, NO, they are not the same thing) in Israel. But I truly believe that (especially here in the states) there is a HUGE misconception that Israeli's just adore both Messianic Judaism and Christian missionaries. Many American Christians are HUGE supporters of Israel, and we just adore Israel, and anything related to The Holy Land. Great! So, my love for Israel has grown by leaps and bounds because of the so-called "Messianic Movement.". Now I...really, really, REALLY want to go there. So, I began to look into it with a passion...

Reality Check.

I was thrilled to learn that there is in fact, a Messianic Bible college in Israel, with (according to their promo's) "the largest Christian library in Israel.". I was ecstatic!...until I learned that (according to a FB post), even folks working at Israel College of the Bible are confused and a bit bewildered by the "Messianic Movement" in the states. Now, this is perfectly okay, but...Really? But wait a minute, this is a Messianic Bible College, isn't it? (It says so right on their amazing website). So, why are they puzzled by our Messianic Movement? Here I was, thinking this would be an amazing place to be able to talk about my/your love of Yeshua, the messiah...and it WOULD be. But I thought that if anyone would NOT be puzzled by the Messianic Movement...it would be a Messianic Bible college. Apparently, this isn't the case...and that's okay. It just has me wondering...I know there IS a Messianic Movement in Israel (Hey there's a COLLEGE, right?). But how different is it from the one in the states?? I'm very curious.

My heart dropped in fact, because I HAD believed that for some, "the gap had been bridged." (if you will). You have to understand; I'd been watching several videos of Israeli's who have been told for generations that "Christian's" were responsible for the Holocaust. (!!!). This made my stomach turn...it was AWFUL! I saw another video of a woman who lived in Israel, out in her neighborhood screaming: "Nazi whores!!!" in response to some Christian missionaries wanting to share their faith with her. I was absolutely shocked. I had no clue whatsoever. By the way, American Christians, did you know that "missionary" is largely a dirty word in Israel?? (Apparently). Translation: I think many of them...don't like us. They don't like us at all. Now, in some cases, we (the US) give Israel plenty of reason not to like us! We do...just look at our media coverage...or, DON'T (as the case may be.)

The fact is, our media is one of the biggest reasons for the huge amount of confusion and misconception about Israel in the first place. This is awful, and praise G-d for those out there working to turn this around. But, ironically, I think, many many Christians LOVE and ADORE Israel...and do everything (we) can to support her. May I say (very gently)...please do not "spit" on us for this. If you think I just made a terrible pun, I am very sorry (see)...I'm trying. (But I'm sure I just pissed somebody off). Listen, a Christian's theology is different than someone who practices Judaism...this is true...

The reason we witness to you is because we are so grateful that your people (as a whole) have given us our MESSIAH!! As to our theology...it teaches that (G-d the Father) is so holy, that those who are not accepting that (Jesus) is the Messiah will spend forever separated from him, in Hell. Do we like this? Of course not! Would it be easy enough to not say anything and spare ourselves the rejection? Of course! Look, even if we're wrong about what we are taught in church every week...It's only that we don't want you (Israel in particular) to experience such an awful, awful thing! Why Israel in particular? Because...you guys GAVE US OUR MESSIAH!! :). Don't you see? If you don't agree with this...that's okay. But neither one of us can undo history and we're both only trying to be true to who we are...right?

I just know that here I am...wanting so profoundly to give something back, and share (what I know) as truth out of empathy and love. I am not a "Nazi," and in my opinion (on that subject), I think the Holocaust, was one of the sickest, most brutal, atrocious things that's ever happened in human history! I write this as an outsider...no, my family did not go through it. As I've said many times on this blog...we are not Jewish. My purpose for writing this, is not about that...

I write all of this, because my own (so called) Evangelical Christian faith has left me...looking for more. And believe me...I never thought I'd say that. I'm not saying that Jesus is not enough...but what I AM saying is that I am no longer satisfied when just helping people get their foot in the door (if you will) when it comes to Heaven, and giving the preverbal "fire insurance" talk... (okay, well I don't want you to experience Hell.). I don't believe this is what Yeshua meant when he asked us to feed his sheep. I don't think THIS is having a "relationship" with G-d...even though, for me, this became my "mantra" (if you will) as a Christian.

I now realize that I was going on and on about a relationship with Jesus, and then cutting the (person) out completely...because, after all, this has nothing to do with them...it's all of G-d. Now, I wasn't realizing what I was saying...but that's my whole point. I did not REALIZE that I didn't realize what I was saying. (okay?). So, the only thing I found that could fill the gap (if you will) that made any sense to me has been... Judaism. That deep rich faith, going back thousands of years that made Abraham a friend of G-d, and David a man after G-d's own heart. That faith that made Hannah pour her heart out, and the Sun stand still for Joshua. This is what I want too...but, to officially accept it...means rejecting the savior who brought it to begin with (in traditional Judaism), correct? So what do I do? Enter: Messianic Judaism...and get ready to face a lot of folks who believe this is an insult...and a total contradiction in terms. Oh well...not everything makes sense, does it?

So I would say...How is one "saved" in Judaism, anyway? Maybe this would help me understand. Is it all by works? How can this be possible when none of us are perfect anyway? Evangelical's share their faith...because they don't wish for anyone to be separated from G-d. For those who practice traditional Judaism...do they laugh, like we're a big joke? I've seen many rabbis on YouTube, who do...I'll tell you that! One even said that a Christian "witnessing" to a Jew is like trying to give (us) something borrowed when we're the ones who have the original.

Okay, fine. You know what?...I agree. You win. This is YOUR house, and I'm the guest...it even says so, in Romans 11. But now, PLEASE...tell me what you know, that I don't...so that I stop telling people the Old Testament saints were not saved. What IS your theology anyway? Do you have that living water that I thought I knew? Anyway, thanks to rabbi Mark Biltz, I think some of my confusion may have been cleared up... Isaiah, 45, verses 22 and 23...

"Look to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth.
I am G-d, there is no other.
In the name of myself have I rightly sworn;
From out of my mouth has rightly gone a word that will not return...
That to me, every knee will bow and every tongue shall swear
Surely shall one say 'In the Lord have I righteousness and strength.'
Even to him shall men come, and all those who are incensed
Against Him shall be ashamed.
In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified
And shall glory.

Okay, this is verses 24 & 25 too, but I BELIEVE...there it is!! Has what I've been worried about been resolved?.. (Ding ding ding!). Is this the "A-haaah" moment I've been hoping for?? I HOPE SO! But I can't stop there! I need to know more! You know what I mean? So here it is...Never, never again will I say that Judaism is nothing but legalism...I have no right. What about those for whom, there is no 'show" involved?? What if it's their life, it's their faith, it's everything they are?? I do not have the right to tell them; "You are not saved, because you never asked Jesus into your heart.". What??? Where do I get off doing that?? As pastor Mark said: "Yeshua and the (Yod hey, vav, hey) are ONE! That's like getting mad at my kids because they call me "dad," and I want them to call me by my first name". Is it really?? Well, then what am I DOING?? Jesus is my understanding...and how could I give him up? But where do I get off "correcting" my Jewish friend who calls him "Abba"? Daddy. What could be more personal, more heartwarming than THAT? Sure, Judaism can be legalistic, with no "heart" attached too...but SO CAN CHRISTIANITY! (Right?). Nobody says a THING about that.

So, I now want to grab the talit of any rabbi I can, and say, "Teach me everything you know, please!". This includes Yeshua, my savior...he was a rabbi too, you know? It is up to each one of us to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. If your theology does not include a "trinity," then tell me...what do you know that I don't? Perhaps I need to learn. Anyway, I've heard it said over and over: "Judaism had to be re-written when the temple was destroyed in 70 AD.". Okay. Well when Judaism began, there was no trinity anyway (not yet) because Yeshua would not be born for a long time. So could it be that for the sake of consistency, this was never added later? I don't know...and I'm still not sure, I agree...but the main thing is that we meet in eternity, stop trying to "replace" each other...but meet together. A lot of differences, yes...but teach me what you know, my Jewish friends...it would be a big help to me. And just know that any witnessing I did was out of love...fair enough?